Thursday 31 March 2016

Breaking News Zuma

  Zuma breached Constitution: Court

President Jacob Zuma

South Africa’s top court ordered President Jacob Zuma on Thursday to pay back some of the $16 million of state money spent for upgrading his private home, in a stinging rebuke that hits the scandal-plagued leader financially and politically.
The unanimous ruling by the 11-judge constitutional court, a central pillar of the democracy established at the end of apartheid, also said Mr. Zuma had failed to “uphold, defend and respect” the Constitution by ignoring Public Protector Thuli Madonsela’s findings on his sprawling residence at Nkandla in rural KwaZulu-
In 2014, Ms. Madonsela, a constitutionally mandated anti-corruption watchdog, identified a swimming pool, cattle enclosure, chicken run, amphitheatre and visitor centre as non-security items that Mr. Zuma must pay for.
Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng gave the Treasury 60 days in which to determine their “reasonable cost”, after which Mr. Zuma would have a further 45 days to pay.
Early estimates of the costs were 10 million rand ($6,80,000), Ms. Madonsela said.
Besides hurting Mr. Zuma, the ruling is a vindication for the soft-spoken but steely lawyer described by Justice Mogoeng as “the embodiment of the Biblical David” fighting against the Goliath of state corruption. “The office of the Public Protector is one of the true crusaders and champions of anti-corruption and clean governance,” Justice Mogoeng said.
“Hers are indeed very wide powers that leave no lever of government power above scrutiny.”
In a short statement, Mr. Zuma’s office said it respected the ruling and would determine the appropriate action in due course.
Ms. Madonsela said the ruling should help restore the shaken faith of South Africans and others, including investors, in the state of democracy in the continent’s most advanced economy.
“The judgment was something that many of us as lawyers will cherish for the rest of our lives,” she said.
‘Profound lesson’

The uncompromising nature of his verdict – Justice Mogoeng said it carried a “profound lesson” for South Africa – piles more pressure on Mr. Zuma, whose second term in office is due to end in 2019.
Mr. Zuma was also ordered to pay costs.
Standing outside the court in downtown Johannesburg, opposition leader Mmusi Maimane told reporters Mr. Zuma should be removed from office and said he would table a parliamentary motion to have him impeached.
Mr. Zuma, a 73-year-old polygamous Zulu traditionalist, has been under intense fire since December when his abrupt sacking of Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene sent the rand into a tail-spin.
The rand firmed to a near-four month high against the dollar as Justice Mogoeng delivered his ruling.
The African National Congress (ANC) said it was studying the decision in detail given the “serious nature” of its findings. Its majority in Parliament will almost certainly give President Zuma political cover against any attempt to impeach him, but the judicial rebuke may embolden anti-Zuma factions within the ruling party to mount a challenge.
“It's a major decision that is going to have a significant impact on our political environment,” said Gary van Staden, political analyst at NKC African Economics.

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